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Chinese medicine

Guang-rong sun

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-22 Popularity:2297次

Figures in history

He was born in liuyang, hunan province in November 1940. He is a famous literature scientist and clinical practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine and graduated from Beijing university of traditional Chinese medicine.

The main results

Guang-rong sun, male, master of national physician, chief physician, professor, researcher, practice of traditional Chinese medicine clinical 59 years, presently for the central health expert group members, reform and development of the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine consultation experts committee, the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine outstanding talents of TCM clinical research project training class teacher in charge, of the institute of Beijing university of Chinese medicine culture, hunan university of Chinese medicine, a consultant and honorary President of the institute of Chinese medicine, China's famous traditional Chinese medicine literature at home and the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine clinical, one of the founders of modern distance education of Chinese medicine, At the same time, he is also the executive director of the Chinese academy of traditional Chinese medicine, vice chairman of the academic committee, academic adviser of the Chinese medical culture branch, and the first chairman of the continuing education branch. National, Beijing old Chinese medicine expert academic experience inheritance guidance teacher, master of national physician guang-rong sun academic experience studio guidance teacher, national famous old Chinese medicine experts guang-rong sun inheritance studio construction experts, Beijing university of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and western medicine combined with 3 armour hospital peace hospital name old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine workshop construction expert, Beijing tongrentang Chinese medicine master studio consultant, enjoy special government allowances of the state council.

Personal glory

, vice President of the Beijing university of Chinese medicine college of distance education, "modern distance education of Chinese medicine in China" magazine editor, institute of Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine culture research branch, deputy director of the standing committee, the sub-health branch, deputy director of the committee member of China association of Chinese medicine. Enjoy special state council allowance.

Director sun is good at treating difficult and complicated diseases of internal medicine and gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine, especially brain disease, tumor, spleen and stomach disease and gynecological diseases, etc.

The old revolutionary comrade wang shoudao inscribed an inscription to professor sun guangrong: "the iron shoulder bears the moral principle, the clever hand is writing; The state of zhongyan shang is a country where benevolence and benevolence are beneficial to people's health. Doctor, keep on going.

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