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Criteria for disease diagnosis and efficacy evaluation system

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:3279次

As far as the present situation is concerned, in the medical activities of traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnostic criteria and efficacy evaluation system of diseases are still in the construction stage, which is far from perfect and comprehensive. In medical activities, western medicine evaluation and referral system is often needed. Clinical practice, such as traditional Chinese medicine treatment of dysmenorrhea, curative effect is distinct, but the specific diagnosis and evaluation of indications, tend to be vague and pain degree of dielectric constant, the lack of specific quantitative indicators, so on the one hand, is not conducive to the healer, both in medical treatment activity, when occurrence dispute is often bad for doctors and hospitals. This is not conducive to the normal development of TCM medical activities.

1.2.2 the methods of clinical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and the problem of accident identification in medical disputes

Inevitably produces medical disputes in medical treatment activity, and the current appraisal system adopted by the medical accident treatment principle, often need or using western medicine standard, if the use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of a disease in clinical activities, while TCM doctor in using the "four" differentiation of or blood syndrome differentiation of eight principles, or who gas camp, or six-channel differentiation, or in the syndrome differentiation, treatment based on syndrome differentiation, France medicine thoughtful, seemingly flawless; However, once there is a medical dispute, there is no specific quantifiable standard in the appraisal of medical accidents, and doctors are always in a passive position to lose the lawsuit. In this way, there is a conflict between the treatment of specific clinical syndrome differentiation and the laws and regulations in medical activities. Make medical unit and medical personnel of traditional Chinese medicine very contradictory.

1.3 laws and regulations at the macro level need to be further discussed and improved

Speaking here of the laws and regulations macro problems with incomplete mainly, one is the traditional medicine of legalization process tends to lag, the need to speed up the process, the Chinese medicine ordinance of the existing national or local laws and regulations such as the development of Chinese medicine ordinance effectiveness is low, the government and relevant functional departments, the responsibility of the protection and development of traditional Chinese medicine, measures are not hard, or no distance with the purpose of the protection and development of traditional Chinese medicine in accordance with the law; Second, the macro-orientation of health economic policy is not conducive to the development of the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM diagnosis and treatment of service fees, low level of technical services, hospital of traditional Chinese medicine are under pressure to survive, had to limited resources or funding priority configuration in the high economic returns of large equipment and the technology of modern western medicine project, lead to atrophy or disuse at characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment technology; In fact, the position of TCM hospital is very embarrassing. It wants to give full play to its characteristics, but it faces the problem of survival and eating.

1.4 challenges and opportunities arising from industry standardization coexist

Industry standardization is to standardize the behavior of industry standards, after the system is beneficial to the industry advantage, better protection, the health care industry is no exception, in other words, the relationship to the problem of business life, run the program should be regulated and practice more. Now of Chinese medicinal materials from raw material to drug production and sales has a set of standard management, Chinese herbal medicine production quality management standard (GAP), GLP (test), GMP (production), GCP (clinical), GSP (marketing) not do more harm than good in the long run; This is also the inevitable trend of modernization. Everything has its challenges in its infancy, and in the short term, challenges outweigh opportunities. Development must be improved to adapt to the situation of Chinese medicine formulations break traditional dosage form a single, now the country's requirements for preparation of traditional Chinese medicine into the GMP standards, for some good benefits, started early hospital one aspect of this is to protect the patent right; For some weak, late - starting hospitals is undoubtedly an important challenge.

Next:The shrinking position of TCM and the narrowing of the service sector are worrying

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