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Training course on standardization knowledge and application of traditional Chinese medicine

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:3011次

Since the eighteenth congress, the CPC central committee and the state council's emphasis on standardization work than ever before, "we will deepen reform of the standardization work plan" the standardization law of the People's Republic of China (revised) have issued, further defined the standardization reform train of thought, for the standardization of Chinese medicine, especially the standardized cultivation of Chinese medicine put forward new and higher requirements. This training mainly for standardization of Chinese medicine business backbone, adopt the method of thematic teaching combined with communication research, the contents include the reform and development of standardization, standard system revision, implementation and application of evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine and other key technical points and knowledge, and related social organizations, base standardization work experience exchange, aims to further understand and grasp countries must work overall reform direction, enhance the consciousness of the standardization of TCM personnel work, strengthen standard system revision and application level and ability, promote the standardization of Chinese medicine in order to carry out.

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