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The opening ceremony of the fourth batch of Training Objectives

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:2482次

For promoting the construction of high-level talent team of Chinese medicine, according to the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine "millions" talent project (QiHuang engineering) implementation plan "(the traditional Chinese medicine taught hair [2017] 9) request, I will start the 2017 talents project of traditional Chinese medicine. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

A, 2017 talents project includes the fourth batch of national Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine clinical talents training projects, the national base of TCM talents training projects, two projects using synchronous start, application of classification; Unified examination and classified admission; Unified training and classified research methods.

Second, our bureau to develop the fourth batch of national Chinese medicine clinical talents training project implementation plan (attachment 1) the national base of TCM talents training project implementation plan (attachment 2) is the guide and basis for the implementation of project organization, please implement seriously.

Three, the provincial administrative department of traditional Chinese medicine and the related units according to the implementation of training object selection conditions were determined, in accordance with the fourth batch of national talents of traditional Chinese medicine clinical research project to develop a target candidate quota allocation table (attachment 3) "the national base of TCM talents training program to develop a target candidate quota allocation table (annex 4), organize qualified personnel to declare and qualification audit, to determine the two projects to develop a target list of candidates.

4. Our bureau organizes candidates to participate in the national unified examination of TCM theory, and selects the best candidates according to their achievements to determine the list of candidates. Specific examination content and examination time will be notified separately.

Five, the provincial administrative department of traditional Chinese medicine and relevant units will be the fourth batch of national talents of traditional Chinese medicine clinical program form the fourth batch of national talents of traditional Chinese medicine clinical research project to develop a target candidates basic situation table "(attachment 5)" the national base of TCM talents training project declaration form "the national base of TCM talents training project to develop a target candidates basic situation table" (appendix 6), one copy each, on July 31, 2017 to submit our personnel education department to learn the teaching place.

The relevant forms can be downloaded from the website of the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine.

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